I'm Veronica

Nice to Meet You

If you’re reading this, I’m pretty sure you’re a lucky dog.

You’re a fund of funds manager or real estate syndicator.  Maybe you're on your way to raising your first million. Maybe you've raised multiple millions, even 8-figures.

Either way, you’re a lucky dog because you get to help people escape the rat-race! You show them how to generate passive income, earn better returns, pay less taxes, or build their wealth in some cool way. That’s amazing! Is there a more important job?

But you obviously aren’t just lucky… you’ve worked really hard and dedicated years of your life to learning and growing. No one handed you anything.

And now, your goal is to reach more people. But… the right people.

Specifically, you want to find the right investors or clients.

You’re looking for Accredited Investors, high-wage earners ready to invest outside the stock market, people motivated to reduce their tax burden, & clients not micromanaged by a conservative financial advisor.

If you can find those *right* people, you can invite them to invest with you or benefit from your financial strategy services.

But… where do you find them… and even more importantly how do you acquire them as clients?

Perhaps you’ve started a great podcast, you’re active on LinkedIn, or have some other awesome social media or blog content. That’s fabulous! You’re casting your net!

But now, it’s time to reel them in ;)

You need a solid lead generation and sales system that brings you high-quality investors and clients.

What does that mean in human-speak?

1. Having a steady stream of quality leads coming to you

2. Speaking personally only to the right clients who are ready to take action

3. Removing 90% of the admin work for acquiring investors or clients

4. Your clients feel like you’re speaking personally to them, even if it’s automated

5. These systems are built to integrate with your unique business model and clients - not a copy/paste email sequence

A high-quality lead generation and sales system means:

1. Wasting time on back and forth emails to set up a Zoom call

2. Jumping on calls with people who want to “pick your brain” but aren’t ready to take action

3. Recording tons of podcasts, or writing tons of posts, but not receiving a steady stream of leads

4. A patchwork of half-hearted ClickFunnels opt-ins that don’t really work

5. A total chaos of lead gen & sales funnels without any idea what’s really working

It DOES NOT look like:

Hi 👋
I’m Veronica and I know about that stuff.

I’ve worked in online sales for 10 years. And I’ve been specifically building online lead generation and sales funnels for the past 6 years. 

Building the right funnels means generating a steady stream of high-quality leads that are ready to take action, not waste your time. Leads that get segmented and filtered based on your criteria.


Your investment model or service is unique and has lots of particularities. Do you need to attract only Accredited Investors? Do you need to worry about certain SEC regulations like AI verification? Do you have client minimums? My funnels are not cookie-cutter or copy/paste. They are built unique to your business model.

You don’t need to know how to build these systems, but you do need to know how to work with them. I make funnels that are user friendly for you, think: reminders for you, calendar appointments, simple lead processing.



I know how to...

Finally, here’s my quick personal bio for all the fans out there

I’m originally Texan, but I’ve been living in Spain for 12 years.  I live in Barcelona with these hairy guys:

In our happy home we like to read, go on hikes with our dog Luigi, and laugh about anything wildly inappropriate. During my free time, you can find me either swimming in the sea, cooking delicious meals, or reading The Economist and books about communication, psychology, philosophy, or marketing. Or sometimes just a great novel :)

Like most people, reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" changed my life. "The purple Bible" made me think not only about real-estate and investments, but also creating pipelines of scalable income through online sales and marketing funnels. I became obsessed with 'building pipelines' not 'carrying buckets'!

That's why for the past 6 years, I've built hundreds of lead generation and sales funnels in different niches. I've built funnels in the online education space (courses, memberships, etc), and in the fund of funds and real estate syndication niches. 

I believe that my biggest strengths as a "funnel pro" are a strong grasp of technology, knowledge and experience with sales and marketing, and a deep love of good storytelling and communication.  Those three powers combined create funnels that work!

And that’s it! Other than that, I’m just another weird lady on the internet who hopes to help you.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. How can I help? Send me a message and let me know!

Chat with me

big hug, veronica



 |    Veronica Hansen  - COPYRIGHT © 2023


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